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Meet Tonya 


Hello! I'm so glad you found me! If you haven't already guessed my name is Tonya, the girl behind "Sunday Renegade" and I bet you are wondering... Who is Tonya and why am I here? Well, in a nutshell, I'm an adventure seeking photographer, who left her home of Melbourne, Australia in 2015 and found herself in the land of moose and maple syrup. 

I started this blog a year into my new life in Canada, mostly as a way to deal with my homesickness, and document my adventures while living in the great PNW!

Four years later and I still call Victoria, BC home with my husband and dog (Charli)

Living in Canada hasn't always been easy, but it's certainly never been boring. This journal (or blog if you will) is a true representation of my life abroad, the good the bad, and the ugly! 


My goal here is to share real experiences, honest reviews and advice of places I've visited along the way.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) get comfy and enjoy the stories I'm about to share with you! 

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